Students Overjoyed at New Late Start Schedule

Mazkenzie changes late start to start 5 minute early; students love the new challenge.
By: Skroowd Ussovere

William Lyon Mackenzie CI - The late start schedule has changed to start school at 9:55 a.m. as opposed to 10:00 a.m. Students could not be more thrilled.

Late start days have long been an occasion to look forward to for Mackenzie students. The tradition of sleeping in for a whole hour twice a month is a core part of their monthly routines. Of course, exact times such as 10:00 a.m. are too easy to remember, resulting in students who are overly calm and on time to school.

To combat this serenity and tranquility in students, the executive decision to change the schedule was made. The time of 9:55 a.m. does a fantastic job at confusing students, keeping them on their toes and alert for school.

“I have never felt so awake and ready to study!” commented Triherd Sockup.

A study found that 98% of students continued to enter the building at the same time they did before - between 9:57 a.m. and 9:59 a.m., proving the new schedule to be extremely effective.

“There are two ways in which this new schedule helps students,” explained Dr I’het Keeds, “First the students realize that they are late, causing a rush of adrenaline early in the morning, quickly waking them up. Second, they run to class, getting in their daily exercise.”

The next step will be to implement an AI system where the late start schedule is randomly generated and distributed no earlier than two minutes before school starts.